If you didn't watch the relief society broadcast yet, go watch it! It's amazing how these talks given to a world audience can touch you so personally. I found another marriage saver tip is this meeting, so here it is.
The Atonement is the best gift our older brother has given us. No matter our circumstance, he knows EXACTLY what you're feeling. Sometimes your husband won't understand you perfectly, but Christ always will. If you need some sympathy, fall on your knees and pray. Then learn from his example.
First, seek to understand. When I got back from the meeting, I know my grandma was inspired to talk to me. After the talks, I was wondering, when Jesus wept with Mary after he heard Lazarus was dead, did he know he was going to bring him back to life? Why would he weep when really all was well? My grandma told me about how the Savior did know he would raise Lazarus. However, instead of passing off Mary's tears because he knew everything would be fine soon, he wept with her. He seeked to understand her feelings, and he fell on his knees and cried beside her for her loss and sorrow. After he took the time to understand, he performed his miracle.
As wives, I think we need to remember to seek to understand our husband a little better. They have worries and pains. They need to know we're listening, we care, and we are trying to understand. Instead of jumping in to solve his problem right away, maybe try to sympathize with him first. Feel what he's feeling until he feels understood. I know that's what I need most days.
The second principle I learned was that of eternal love. I love the personal experience the second counselor shared. She talked about how she neglected God. She was upset and angry that God had put something so hard in her life. However, the second she fell to her knees and prayed for comfort, he poured it upon her. This eternal love amazes me. I know if my husband is going through a hard time and I feel like he is being angry with me, I'm not quick to comfort him when he asks for it. I'm more focused on the wrongs that were done to me. Forget yourself and reach out to comfort your husband. Never turn away when he comes to you looking for comfort. Show that eternal love our Heavenly Father gives each one of us to your sweet husband.
These are definitely hard things to do, but I promise you if you follow Christ's example with a loving heart, your marriage will be strengthened. Be patient and be understanding. Good luck :)
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Relief Society Broadcast
Monday, September 24, 2012
Ok so as my life as a married person, I decided to become as boring as possible. I pulled the plug on my Facebook. Ohh how sad, but so wonderful! Stupid website just made me depressed anyways. For the longest time, I have just been hearing about Pinterest, Pinterest, Pinterest. Well guess what, you couldn't get a Pinterest without a Facebook. I swear people are like trying to ban me in a dark corner of the world because my profile is not published to be stalked.
Well, FINALLY, Pinterest allowed me to join with just my email :) Yay! I mean as a married person, I don't need a stalker website, but I do need ideas to craft and create my wonderful new home. Well everyone in the world already knows about Pinterest probably, but my discovery this weekend was a GREAT one. I have become creative...overnight! Yesterday, Mark and I went to the D.I. and I found a lovely little wooden organizer with a cute little drawer, so what did I do? I followed my heart (aka Pinterest) and I hung that little drawer on my wall and put some cute little old spice bottles in it. I am feeling more wifely every day. I also bought a vase to paint and place on a table for decoration. Oh, I'm so creative.
I love the new fad of just taking ordinary things and making them decoration or art. I love simple and I love bold. Also, I love cheap! Who doesn't?? My new crafts will start with D.I. and end with the scarps of my house. It's a lot more fun that way. You feel artistic, you feel like your creating, you feel like you accomplished something. So lesson here is if you feel like you haven't done anything and your day is worthless, go walk around your house and start turning crap into craft :)
My Future Home

I love love fruit! Most of the time I even love it more than chocolate, which is saying a lot. My favorite fruit is berries. Washington has berry farms everywhere! You can just go visit and pick a pail of berries and pay super cheap for them. It's like a dream come true. One day I'll grow raspberries, strawberries, and blackberries in my backyard. Have you ever read the Butterfly Box series by Michele Bell? It sounds cheesy, and well it kind of is, but that's where my berry farm dream came from. Book two explains exactly the town I'd want to live in. A small little town in Washington where everyone knows each other. There's a small downtown you walk through in the mornings to run errands and chat with friends. There's berries to be grown, forests to explore, and rivers running through it all. It's basically everything I have ever imagined.
Mark and I love being outdoors. Here, we went hiking in some caves. I'm so amazed at how different nature can be in different places. There's mountains, caves, waterfalls, forests, rivers, lakes, deserts. It's all so beautiful. My day never feels complete until I spend some time outdoors. I almost wish I could have my home made of glass, but then it would be super scary at night and everyone would always be watching me. Creepy... nevermind. I will have a sun room in the back of my house like my grandma has. If it rains in Washington as much as everyone says it does, I'll need something like that to enjoy the outdoors and watch beautiful thunderstorms.
Lastly for Washington, isn't this picture adorable?? I love waterfalls, but even more than that I love my husband! I just now he's going to be such a good dad. Mostly because he's the biggest kid I know. Today I let him draw on my hand during stake conference because he couldn't hold still. He keeps life entertaining!This has given me an idea! After mindless random blog posts, I think I will now have a theme. It will be learning to become a wife because I think I've learned a lot of tricks and things to make life a little more fun and easier. Here I conclude my randomness of blog posts and start the beginning of my life as a wife! Ohhh hey that has a ring to it. New blog title!!
Monday, September 3, 2012
Wedding Pictures

Sunday, January 22, 2012
Summer's Long Over
Ward camp out